Partner Consultant
Teemu Patala is a learning designer, corporate learning strategist and learning economist with 20 years of experience in various learning development tasks in the public and private sectors. Teemu lives in Finland with wife Saaga and two children. Before pursuing his entrepreneurial career in 2006 he was employed by multinational enterprises (including Finnair & Sanoma Corporation) with responsibilities in online learning design & development, coordination of HRD initiatives and learning research. Since 2006 Teemu has co-founded four EdTech companies and worked as an independent consultant for companies operating in more than 100 countries.
Teemu has been responsible for a number of strategic learning and development initiatives in private and public sector client organizations and has coordinated hundreds of projects in innovative learning development. With his production teams, Teemu has implemented online learning programs in more than 30 languages and these programs have been used in over 100 countries by over 4 million learners. He has provided consultancy for numerous national and international key initiatives in the area of technology-enabled learning. His special areas of expertise are learning experience design, instructional design, corporate learning strategies and the economics of learning. He has extensive experience of EU funded projects and has worked with ULS on special assignments in Greece, Bulgaria, China, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
He works intensively at the intersection of digital learning, inclusion strategies and innovative universal design. In 2018 he was appointed to the Steering Committee on Online Training for the European Workforce, established by the European Commission. He is Academic Coordinator for the Conflicts of Interest program validated by Queens University Belfast. He has lectured in Kosovo, Bosnia, Romania, Cyprus, Spain/Euzkadi and Northern Ireland on conflict transformation, human rights and innovative inclusive education.
He is External Expert Evaluator for the European Commission on migration policy and social inclusion. He is currently the Irish representative on various EU Erasmus + Capacity Building projects for Palestinian universities. In 2021 he was appointed to the Advisory Council of the Department of Education in GD Goenka University, Delhi, India. He is currently consulting to the Finnish Government funded innovative learning initiative in Jordan. He is an expert external consultant to the National E-learning Center in Saudi Arabia. He is a registered researcher and evaluator with MUR (Ministry of Universities and Research) in Rome, Italy.